The dog looks into the windows of the former house: she still does not know that her owners have moved
80 ViewsWhen I wrote this text, I cried. I can’t understand how a man
A cat with an offended muzzle came to complain about a dog that ate his food: these emotions
86 ViewsI have a cat and a dog who decided to prove in practice
Soroku saved the dog and fed it with her milk: now the magpie can bark
88 ViewsRhys and Juliet took their dog for a walk. While walking, Peggy met
Homeless people who will prove that love and care works wonders: before and after photos
86 Views1. “Seeing this cat who was trying to get his own food at
A small defenseless baby was found at a construction site: he was whining from hunger
108 ViewsThe woman was walking past a construction site where work had long been
The dog was left on the street, and he has been waiting for his owners near his native high-rise building for 3 years
90 ViewsA guy from South Korea moved to the city of Xi’an, China. He
“The dog dragged me into the forest by force”: he took out 7 wet kittens one by one from the box
93 ViewsShe did not listen to me at all, but continued to drag me
The cat consoled the dog, left alone on the street and did not leave her a single step
102 ViewsCats and dogs are considered to be irreconcilable antagonists, enemies created by nature
The cat consoled the dog, left alone on the street and did not leave her a single step
115 ViewsCats and dogs are considered to be irreconcilable antagonists, enemies created by nature
For several months the dog lies on the grave of his master
107 ViewsDogs are called one of the most faithful creatures that live on our