A homeless cat dragged a skinny kitten into someone else’s yard and disappeared, and the baby hid in the garage …
110 ViewsPeople sat in the gazebo and enthusiastically discussed what to buy for a
The package from Pyaterochka moved and squeaked … 10 newborn puppies needed to be saved
115 ViewsOlga could not believe her eyes: a package was moving in a snowdrift!
The girl was walking with the dogs in the forest, and suddenly they hurried somewhere. 
85 ViewsVictoria Kalashnikova from Chita loves dogs. And these are not empty words! No
The girl stood up for a weak homeless puppy, taking it away from teenagers
158 ViewsChildren can sometimes be very mean to animals… On a typical May evening,
Exhausted pregnant cat called people for help while sitting in the basement
109 ViewsHow great that in our world there are people who care about the
Rescued, adopted and kicked out of the house, and then the puppy fell into the hands of the homeless … But all the bad things are behind!
162 ViewsThe puppy was very small, and so many trials had already fallen to
The skinny puppy puppy was shivering from the cold, clinging to the tree. Seeing the baby in such a state, the girl could not pass by …
129 ViewsIrina Lebedeva met her beloved dog in November 2017 when she was still
“I will fight for him!” – the girl thought, saving a weak puppy found in the garbage
144 ViewsTatiana Yarmeeva couldn’t stop crying when her beloved Labrador died right in her
An old dog languished in a dirty pen, tormented either by snow or by heat
206 ViewsMissy is an old dog who spent 10 years of her life in