Pregnant cat on demolition put out on the street
79 ViewsFor several days, the pregnant cat lived on a bench at the bus
The owner put the kittens in a backpack and sent them on the train to nowhere
85 ViewsThe backpack with the kittens was left on the train. The owner of
The cat was offended, he came to the owner and began to complain in human language
113 ViewsAnimals, like people, all have their own character. They are unique, they can
Everyone refused him and wanted to take him to the forest belt, away from people
86 ViewsThis story is about a thoroughbred black cat named Churchill. The animal was
While traveling, the guy looks for cats and saves those who need a home
107 ViewsThis story is about a guy who loves cats very much, he has
The dog did not let the pregnant cat even into the barn
72 ViewsThis cat came into my life exactly on my birthday. There is a
To find its owners, the shelter cat stood up on its hind legs in front of each visitor.
78 ViewsBruno was given to the shelter by his owners, saying that the cat
Passing by a construction site, I found a tiny defenseless puppy. He whined from hunger
90 ViewsUsually, there was no sound coming from behind the fence of the long-abandoned
Frozen cat asked for help by tapping his paw on the window
77 ViewsIt was in Canada – a country with a harsh climate. One morning
The kitten was hit by a bus, but survived. People took him to the side of the road and left him there…
79 ViewsAndrey Lukoyanov shared with us a story about how he managed to save