Bébé se blottit dans son boxer et rigole quand ses visages se touchent
230 ViewsBruno, un adorable Boxer, a été adopté dans la famille parfaite qui l’aime
Cette gymnaste championne du monde atteinte de trisomie 21 défie l’idéal de beauté et devient mannequin
167 ViewsBien que les médias persistent à nous présenter les mêmes modèles de beauté,
A street pregnant cat looked at passers-by with hope in her eyes.
112 ViewsA cat with a big belly wandered along the sidewalk when it was
This apartment was a real prison for the cat, from which he wanted to escape
119 ViewsWe think that it is difficult for cats to survive on the street,
Un chien sauve un bébé abandonné par sa mère en réchauffant son corps pendant deux jours
106 ViewsC’est arrivé il y a longtemps, à l’époque où les hivers en Ukraine
The emaciated dog lay in the rain for 3 days. Seeing, the doctor said: “she had 1 day left”
108 ViewsIn one of the districts of Kursk, known for its notoriety, a small
The hut of homeless puppies was broken, and the kids themselves were taken away to the trash
110 ViewsWe found 9 puppies about three weeks old in a kind of dugout
Homeless dog mom brought me her only surviving puppy
95 ViewsTwo small dogs settled in the parking lot at the store. I have
The dog came to school for help: the teacher set an example for the children
103 ViewsIn the middle of winter, a red dog appeared at one of the
“Pour the kitten milk”: a man shouted, throwing a kitten into our office and slamming the door
109 Views“Feed the kitten milk,” the man shouted through the half-open door, and then