The dog loves his dog friend. But even more he likes to sit right on her face
137 ViewsA mongrel named Archie loves people. And when he was lucky enough to
The mutts drove a Labrador under the gate of someone else’s house. The pet was abandoned by the owners on a deserted street
132 ViewsSurprisingly, even the most charming dogs, while still being thoroughbred, are not immune
The dog was betrayed by the owners twice, and when, finally, he got into a good family, it was difficult for him to trust people again
105 ViewsA dog named Mehdi managed to change two families in his short life.
A pregnant dog was waiting for her fate in the burial place, but the volunteers were in time
158 ViewsKsenia Smirnova met her beloved dog two and a half years ago. She
A frightened cat jumped out from under the car and rushed into the arms of an unfamiliar girl
110 ViewsOlga Bogatyryova has a cat. She sheltered the most ordinary mongrel, taking him
Corgi’s legs are too short to climb on the sofa, but the owners figured out how to help him
98 ViewsEver since this cute corgi named Tonic was a little puppy, he realized
The girl took the puppy with her to the hairdresser, and all the clients were delighted with this muzzle
94 ViewsWhen Brittany Taylor went to her hairdresser in Charleston, South Carolina, she couldn’t
“I won’t leave my dog!” Ukrainian woman was not evacuated from China because of a pet: latest news
145 Views“Drop the dog? Never!” – such thoughts were spinning in the head of
Every day, a sad dog sat at the same entrance. The owners abandoned her, and she was still waiting …
136 ViewsIn autumn, a dog appeared in the courtyard of a residential building. She
New Year’s fireworks rumbled, and the dog rushed from fear under the wheels of a car. The driver broke the bumper to avoid hitting the pet
258 ViewsOlga Bogdanova has had a wonderful dog named Kasper for several years now.