The cat’s mission is to steal the owner’s food! In vain his mistress left the room for a minute …
83 ViewsA cat named Cowboy was adopted when he was just a kitten. His
A hungry stray kitten was sitting on an empty pizza box. The girl noticed him and came closer
89 ViewsSeven years ago, the family of Svetlana Luchezarova met their beloved cat named
An old woman lost her beloved cat in an earthquake. What was the happiness of the couple to meet again after 4 years
86 ViewsFour years ago, a powerful earthquake hit Italy. Among the people who had
Burying its paws in the warm sand, the kitty smiled with happiness. We should learn from her!
93 ViewsVacationers were enjoying the beautiful weather and sunshine while on the beach when
The girl drew attention to the cat, which looked around in confusion
90 ViewsWhen a house cat is kicked out into the street, in most cases,
The dog could not walk and crawled into the entrance to warm up, but they kicked him out of there too.
105 ViewsThe girl wrote a letter to a volunteer organization that helps homeless animals.
When the owner died, the dog suffered at the entrance, but instead of sympathy he received a kick
98 ViewsOnly recently the Baron lived a happy life. The dog had a beloved
A non-walking cat was thrown into the entrance in winter, where she lay for a week without help
84 ViewsA resident of the Kursk high-rise building noticed a cat that was lying
“I won’t give up my brother”: said the man who sheltered the hound dog for a couple of days
79 ViewsThe unfortunate owners threw the dog out just in the middle of the
On the street I saw a picture: passers-by took a selfie with a blind stray cat
90 ViewsGalina told us about the cat. Who lives near the city. The woman