The dog lived starving on a chain for 5 years and is already used to responding only to obscene words
77 ViewsFor five years of his life, Grand was chained to a rusty chain,
“Stop saving the cat, he just loves to swim”: a funny story
83 ViewsEveryone knows that cats are afraid of water and avoid it in every
Because of the unusual muzzle of the cat, no one wants to take it from the shelter
86 ViewsA cat named Kaya is in one of the shelters in Canada. The
This apartment was a real prison for the cat, from which he wanted to escape
101 ViewsWe think that it is difficult for cats to survive on the street,
A flock of swans were already freezing in the pond, but a woman with a kind heart did not leave them
89 ViewsThis pair of swans had babies much later than usual. By the end
The heroic feat of a Labrador: he saved his friends, who were alone in a boat with the flow
93 ViewsThere are plenty of animal videos on YouTube, but this one stands out
“Paws, muzzle”: people found a dog in a deplorable state, having lain like that for more than one day
100 ViewsOur animal rights legislation is far from ideal. Most often, even those that
Hopelessness licked the hands of all the parishioners, begging him to help
87 ViewsDog Speeddy was a happy and healthy dog when, to everyone’s surprise, his
The dog was kept locked up without food and water: he literally dried up from hunger and thirst
87 ViewsThis dog has a very unusual name – Medok. When they found him,
A small hungry dog came to the store every day, from where the guards kicked her out
92 ViewsEvery day the dog came to the doors of shops at the same